Reading data via Galileo‘s ADC and writing on a SD card and EEPROM.

Introduction:Saving logs of your works with Galileo can be very useful, since projects that involve research over the data read by the platform will need an organized way to be used by the researcher. In this experiment, we will connect a potentiometer to Galileo’s ADC, read the values from it and save it in a SD card (or even in the EEPROM of the platform, although it have a much smaller space).

Components needed:

→ One 10k Ohm Linear Potentiometer;

→ A Micro SD Card (formatted in FAT16 format, if possible)


→ Protoboard;

→ Jumpers.

1st Step:

On a Protoboard, assemble the circuit below:



→ Red wires and black wires referes to VCC 5V and GND, respectively;

→ The Orange Wire leads the voltage through the potentiometer resistance to be read by ADC 0.



2nd Step:

Upload the following program to Galileo and control the system via Serial Monitor. The commands are (all in lower case):

→ ‘w’ for WRITE on the SD card file;

→ ‘c’ for CONFIGURE the delay between readings (in seconds);

→ ‘r’ to READ the data written on sensor.txt;

→ ‘e’ to ERASE the data saved on sensor.txt (be careful with this command).

#include <SD.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

File file; //creating object 'file'
byte begin_ok; //boolean control variable

void setup()
  begin_ok = 1;
  Serial.begin(9600); //beginning serial comms
  if(!SD.begin(4)) // SD card test
    Serial.println("Error in SD Card Inicialization!");
    begin_ok = 0;
  Serial.println("Successful SD Card Inicialization!");

void loop()
  if (begin_ok)
    int option =;
    /* the var 'option' serves as a "control key". When the user wants to change the time between readings, he should send 'c' over the terminal.
When he wants to write the signal read on the ADC, he should send 'w'. If he wants to read what is written in the .txt file, he have to press 'r'. In the same way, if he want to
erase what's written on the file, he should send 'e' over the terminal. 'x' stops the current action.*/
    if (option == 'c') //to conf mode
      Serial.println("You are in the Configuration Mode");
      option =;
      while(option == -1)
        option =;
      int valorConfig = option - 48; //the -48 is to format the ASCII values
      EEPROM.write(0, valorConfig); // writing the delay between readings on EEPROM.
      Serial.print("Written value: ");
    else if (option == 'w') 
      while(option != 'x') //STOP the current action
        int dataSensor = analogRead(0); // The pot is connected to A0 ADC and the data from it will be stored in dataSensor var.
        file ="sensor.txt", FILE_WRITE); //opening the .txt that will contain the data from ADC
          file.print("Potentiometer values in: ");
          file.print(millis()); //for easily comprehension of the data, we will write the time (millis) when each sample is taken.
          file.print(" ms: ");
          file.println(dataSensor); //printing the values on dataSensor
          file.close(); //closing the .txt
          delay(1000 *;
          Serial.print("Data acquired in: ");
          Serial.print(, DEC);
          Serial.println(" segs.");
          Serial.println("Error while opening the file for writing! Please check the restrictions!");
        option =;
      Serial.println("Stopping to acquire data from Potentiometer");
    else if (option == 'r') //read option
      file ="sensor.txt");
      if (file)
        while(file.available()) //loop to read all the data on sensor.txt
        Serial.println("File ending.");
        Serial.println("Error while opening the file for reading!");
    else if (option == 'e') //ERASE command. Please be careful.
      SD.remove("sensor.txt"); //removing ALL the data from sensor.txt. Please be Careful.
      if (!SD.exists("sensor.txt"))
        Serial.println("File successfully erased!");
        Serial.println("Error while erasing file!");

3rd step:

With the code running on Galileo, open “Serial Monitor” and operate the system. Turn the potentiometer to both sides and save the files on sensor.txt. After doing it, you can open the sensor.txt file directly from the Serial Monitor or, if you wish, you can do it manually.
