UFSC Federal University of Santa Catarina
Software/Hardware Integration Lab


Call for Participation

Date: 24 Oct 2013 Room: INE 105
Time: 14:30  


Mobile & Wireless Networks for the Future Internet of Things

                                                                 Franck Rousseau

                                                                Grenoble Institute of Technology - ENSIMAG

The Drakkar group has been working on wireless networks for the last 15 years. We will present some of our activities on wireless LANs, mobility and multi- hop networking, and focus on our on-going work on WSN ---wireless sensor networks. WSN and particularly low power wireless communications are one of the key enabling technologies for the Internet of Things. But this technology alone cannot solve the problems we face when trying to interconnect billions of tiny devices to the Internet, moreover when they have to operate for years on scarce energy resources, either drawn from small batteries or harvested from their environment. We will discuss some of the challenges that need to be met in order for the IoT to become a reality and try to identify possible collaboration opportunities with our brazilian colleagues.

Franck Rousseau is Associate Professor at the Grenoble Institute of Technology - Ensimag. He received his PhD from INPG in 1999. Previously, he was a member of the technical staff at the OSF Research Institute in Grenoble and engineer
at Bull. Dr. Rousseau has published papers in the fields of multimedia and networking. His current research interests are in wireless networking --- mobility, ad hoc, mesh, medium access. He is actively involved in several national and European projects, as well as project with industrial partners. 

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E-mail: lisha@lisha.ufsc.br
Web: http://www.lisha.ufsc.br