Thiago Martins
- PhD student Electrical Engeneering, at Federal University of Santa Catarina.
- M.Sc in Electronic Systems Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
- B.Eng. in Mechatronics Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
- Curriculum Vitae (Lattes).
Research Activities
Research Topics
- Embedded Systems Development
- Low Power Systems
- Energy Harvesting
- Elgin A-C Smart Controller.
- Test and Application - Shield CAN - Emote III.
- Development of a payload for Cubesat missions.
- Instrumentation and control - system for analysis of dynamic and multiphase fluids.
- MORAIS, FLÁVIO; CARVALHAES-DIAS, PEDRO; DUARTE, LUÍS; SPENGLER, ANDERSON; DE PAIVA, KLEBER; MARTINS, THIAGO; CABOT, ANDREU; SIQUEIRA DIAS, JOSÉ. Optimization of the TEGs Configuration (Series/Parallel) in Energy Harvesting Systems with Low-Voltage Thermoelectric Generators Connected to Ultra-Low Voltage DC–DC Converters Energies. Fator de Impacto(2018 JCR): 2,7070, v.13, p.2297 - , 2020.
- MARTINS, THIAGO; SPENGLER, ANDERSON; OLIVEIRA, JORGE L. G.; PAIVA, KLEBER V; SEMAN, LAIO O.Active Control System to Prevent Malfunctioning Caused by the Pressure Difference in Gasket Plate Heat Exchangers Applied in the Oil and Gas Industry Sensor,2022, 22.12: 4422.
Rua Dona Francisca, 8300 – Bloco U
CEP 89.219-600
Distrito Industrial
Joinville - SC - BRAZIL
Phone: +55 47 99926-0598
Personal Page