Prof. Dr. Eng. Rafael Luiz Cancian
Teaching Activities
Actual Teaching Activities
Digital Systems - INE5406
Operating Systems - INE5412
Research Topics
Current Research Projects
EPOS: Embedded Parallel Operating System
ADESDToolSuite - Tool suite for Application Driven Embedded Systems Design
BIOCOMP - Sistemas Biológicos como Plataforma Física para Execução de Fluxos de Instrução
Former Research Projects
UFSC/CTC/LISHA (map) - PO Box 476 - 88049-900 Florianópolis - SC - BRAZIL
Phone/Fax: +55 48 3721-9516 - Phone: +55 48 3721-4729
E-mail: cancian at
Personal Topics of Interest
Bioinformatics and Genetic Engeneering
Politics and Public Administration
Physics and Natural Sciences
Ontology and Epistemology
Scepticism and Philosophy
Gastronomy and Wines
The Venus Project
The Out Campaign
