Information for Applicants
If you intend to write your thesis (or dissertation) in the big area of computing systems, including embedded, parallel, and distributed systems, both at software or at hardware level, as well as system software engineering, you might be interested in applying to do it at LISHA.
Undergraduate Students
Every year LISHA selects a couple of undergraduate students to join the Lab for the sake of their Bachelor thesis. Selection is based on academic skills and motivation to do research. If you intend to apply, check out the instructions bellow.
Graduate Students
If you have successfully concluded your undergraduate studies, you can apply for a master or doctor student position within our Graduate Programs in Computer Science and Automation. Every year LISHA selects a couple of students to join the program under the supervision of associated professors. Selection is based on academic skills and motivation to do research. Selected students have the opportunity to join the Lab as research associates, or apply for a scholarship. Externally funded students are also accepted in extraordinary cases. If you intend to apply, check out the program's rules and the instructions bellow.
External Students
External students, both undergraduate and graduate, can apply for one or more terms as special students (for so called sandwich studies). As a special student, you can attend to up to 4 courses (official course statements issued in English) and/or develop your thesis, either by doing research or writing. Note that special students are not eligible to receive an academic degree from this university. Interesting arrangements have been done with German students writing their Diplomarbeit and Dissertation.
Florianópolis wonderful beaches might be an extra motivation for some students.
Open Work Packages
If you intend to join LISHA, send us a simple workplan with your CV attached. This workplan is not aimed at being definitive, it serves more the purpose of demonstrating that you are able to sketch a scientific work plan.