
JTAG Board

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Board Compatibilty

EposMote3 RegularYesEposMote3 BlackYes

Board Connections

There are 4 sets of connector in JTAG Board. Exp1 and Exp2 are the regular connections with EM3/EM3+ board. The JTAG connector is used to link with a regular 20 pins ARM debugger/emulator. P1 and P2 are connector with .1 pitch to externalize the Exp1 and Exp2 input/output pins. With P3 is possible to connect a FTDI (UART - USB) converter board.

P1 and P2 connections

P3 connections

Version 0.1 Issues

Two connections are wrong in the v0.1, J_TDO and J_TDI. Both tracks must be cut and crossed.

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