Project RHTVD
Expertise in digital TV systems requires qualification in Engineering, mainly in electronics, telecommunications and digital systems, as well as in Computer Science. More specifically, the main specializations are digital signals processing (video and audio codecs, digital filters, etc), transmission systems (signal modulation processes, multiplexing, antennas, etc), programming (operating systems, application software, middleware, etc), hardware multimedia architecture, computer networks and systems. Therefore, the majority are professionals from undergraduate and graduate courses in Electrical and Computing Engineering as well as from other areas in science (often in physics and other engineering areas). An intensive program for human resources training, qualification and specialization in those areas is important not only for digital TV implementation but also to enable Brazil to, suitably, deal with the challenges posed by the convergence process of media and services enabled by digital technology. CAPES' Special Graduate Program for Digital TV (RH-TVD) target is the creation of a network of excellence to train qualified human resources to act in those areas related to digital TV.
Mission and Objectives
- To promote capability building and development of innovations in technologies of digital TV and digital communications;
- To support the development of the SBTVD in dealing with the challenges of the new paradigm of convergent digital technologies and services;
- To articulate and coordinate the thematic R&D networks that aggregate the existing excellency groups in Brazil and;
- To support activities of training and human resources development, prospecting, research, and innovation.
Program Actions
In order to meet the demands of digital TV implementation in Brazil the following human resources qualification modalities will be necessary:
- Short-term training to address the immediate needs of the equipment manufacturers (transmission and reception) and broadcasters;
- Standard training at college and undergraduate levels according to the identified profiles for digital TV professionals, to address the medium-term and long-term needs of equipment manufacturers and broadcasters, including content producers;
- Graduate programs in technical and nontechnical areas related to digital TV to continue building capability to come up with innovative solutions in the area.