Rodrigo Schmitt Meurer
- B. Sc. Student in Automation and Control Engineering at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) (7th period)
- Researcher of the Software/Hardware Integration Lab (LISHA) at UFSC
- Weekly Schedule
Research Activities
Research Topics:
- Virtualization
- Artificial Intelligence
- Embedded Systems
Research Interests:
- Virtualization
- Wireless Sensor Networks applications
- Domotic/Automation/Robotic
- Data Mining/Information Retrieval/Machine Learning
Current Projects/Experiments:
- Adaptation of a Minimalistic Dom0 of Xen that implements a Service VM (.Project)
- Prescient - Context Aware Home Monitoring and Control Central (Source)
Former Projects/Experiments:
- Analisys of SW aspects' influence on energy consumption using HLS
- Implementation of the AES cipher in hardware using the Unified Design Strategy.
- Implementation of a FIR filter in hardware using HLS techniques.
- Development of a Wireless Sensor Network with mobile nodes based on arduino.*
- Adaptation of a Crash bobby platform for arduino.*
- Projects developed before joining lisha.
UFSC/CTC/LISHA (map) PO Box 476 88049-900 Florianópolis - SC - BRAZIL Phone/Fax: +55 48 3721-9516 E-mail: rmeurer at