Prof. Antônio Augusto Fröhlich
- Full professor at the Computer Science Department (INE) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC)
- Head of the Software/Hardware Integration Lab (LISHA) at UFSC
- Curriculum vitaes: ORCID, Lattes, LinkedIn, Research Gate, DBLP
Teaching Activities
- Undergraduate in Computer Science
- Graduate in Computer Science
- Graduate in Automation and Systems Engineering
- Autonomous Embedded Systems I and II
- Industrial and Vehicular Networks
- [|Cyber-Physical Systems]
- Embedded Systems Laboratory
- Dedicated Operating Systems
- Software/Hardware Integration
Former Lectures
- Software Component Engineering
- Object-Oriented Programming
- System Programming
- Operating Systems
- Computational Biology (parallel programming)
Research Activities
Research Topics
Publications&author=Fröhlich|full list])
- AutoDL — Secure and Privacy-Aware Data Lake for Vehicle Data Storage and Processing (2024-2027): Rota 2030
- Auto5G — Intelligent Vehicle Telemetry and Supervision System (2023-2026): Rota 2030
- IASE — Intelligent Acquisition and Analysis System for ECUs (2021-2025): Rota 2030
- SDAV — SmartData for Autonomous Systems
- OBNZip — Intelligent Seismic Data Compressor for OBNs (2022-2026): Petrobrás/ANP
Former Research Projects
- SmartData IoT Platform (2017- )
- EPOS: Embedded Parallel Operating System (1997 - )
- Smart Solar Building (2009 - 2013)
- Hidrologic Sensor Network (2009 - 2015)
- RH-TVD: Special Graduate Program for Digital TV (2009 - 2012): CAPES
- ICs, Hardware and Firmware for DTV
- DSP and Embedded Systems
- Rede ALTATV: an Open, Free, Scalable Set-top Box Architecture for DTV and IPTV (2009 - 2010): CTIC
- eSDR: Embedded Software-defined Radio (2009 - 2010): Dígitro
- Rede H.264 SBTVD (2008 - 2010): FINEP
- H.264 Encoder: Design and Implementation of a H.264 Encoder for the ISDTV (2008 - 2010): FINEP/CiaNET
- IPTV STB: Design and Implementation of a Set-top Box for IPTV (2008 - 2009): FAPESC
- UnderNET: Underground Energy Distribution Network Monitoring System (2007 - 2008): ANEEL/CELESC
- SAM: Layered Scalable Video Codec(2006 - 2008): FINEP
- PMM: Modular Multimedia Platform (2006 - 2008): FINEP
- PDSCE: Embedded System Development Platform (2005 - 2007): FINEP
- SBTVD: Brazilian Digital Television System
- MIDIASUL: Transport Layer (2005 - 2006): FINEP
- CODECSUL: Scalable Codec (2005 - 2006): FINEP
- I2TV: Interactive TV for Internet2 (2002 - 2004): CNPq
- SNOW: Scalable Network of Workstations (2001 - 2004): CNPq / BMBF
- ParaBioInfo: Parallel Applications in Bioinformatics(2003 - 2004): CNPq
- AutoFlash: Software Update in Automobiles (2002 - 2003): FAU
- Centro Integrado Multidisciplinar de Pesquisas em Bioinformática de Santa Catarina (2002 - 2003): CNPq
- DESS: Software Development Process for Real-time Embedded Software Systems (1999 - 2001): ITEA/BMBF
- Application-Oriented System Design (1997 - 2001): UFSC /CAPES/GMD-FIRST
- Aboelha: a Nano-kernel to Support Dynamic Parallel Objects (1993 - 1996)
- Pyxis: a Distributed File System (1992-1994): CNPq
- 3D Visualization of Magnetic Markers in Noninvasive Gastrointestinal Transit Monitoring (1992): PTB / DAAD
Publications (bibtex, [ Fröhlich's ---
PO Box 476
88049-900 Florianópolis - SC - BRAZIL
Phone/Fax: +55 48 3721-9516
E-mail: guto at
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